

Acupuncture & Cupping Yee Sum Tong provides acupuncture treatment, cupping will also be used to enhance the efficacy. Acupuncture is helpful for treating various pain, functional disorder, neurological disorder, facial disorder, cold or allergy.


各種疼痛 Various Pain

1. 頭痛(要配合檢查)Headache

2. 面神經痛 Facial neuralgia

3. 三叉神經痛 Trigeminal neuralgia

4. 頸部僵痛(落枕)Stiff neck

5. 肩痛 Shoulder pain

6. 手肘痛 Elbow pain

7. 胸廓痛 Chest pain

8. 腰背痛 Waist & back pain

9. 下腰痛 Lower back pain


Lumbar disc herniation (conservative treatment)

11.坐骨神經痛及類似之疼痛 Sciatica

12.膝痛 Knee pain

13.肌、筋膜炎 Muscle fasciitis

14.關節疼痛 Joint pain

15.踝關節扭傷 Ankle spran

16.腳跟痛 Heel pain

17.手術後止痛 Pain relief after surgery

五官疾患 Facial Disorder

1. 眼痛及眼瞼痙攣

Eye pain and blepharospasm

2. 視力模糊 Blurred vision

3. 慢性結膜炎 Chronic conjunctivitis

4. 鼻竇炎、鼻炎(包括過敏性)

Sinusitis, Rhinitis (including allergic)

5. 重聽 Hear echoes

6. 耳鳴、腦鳴 Tinnitus, Tinnitus cranii

7. 牙痛 Toothache

8. 喉痛及喉頭異物感

Sore throat, Globus hystericus

功能性失調 Functional Disorder

1. 失眠 Insomnia

2. 焦慮 Anxiety

3. 憂鬱 Depression

4. 便秘 Constipation

5. 大腸急躁症 Irritable bowel syndrome

6. 打嗝 Hiccup

7. 消化不良 Indigestion

8. 心悸、胸悶 Palpitations, Chest tightness

9. 經痛、月經不調

Menstrual pain, Irregular menstruation

神經疾患 Neurological Disorder

1. 中風後遺症 Stroke sequelae

2. 腦性麻痹症 Cerebral palsy

3. 頸臂症候群 Neck arm syndrome

4. 神經官能症 Neurosis

5. 帶狀疱疹疼痛 Shingles Pain

6. 頭昏、眩暈 Dizziness, Vertigo

其他 Miscellaneous

1. 改善皮膚體質 Improve skin condition

2. 過敏 Allergy

3. 未有合併症之氣喘

Asthma (without complications)

4. 初期前列腺肥大

Early prostatic hypertrophy